Cellular texts and voicemails are currently going extinct due to social media’s rapid progress. Nevertheless, a lot of people use voicemails for other things, including business.
However, because we receive so many texts every day, it has become difficult for us to keep track of voicemails. This is because most devices lack a separate folder designated for the storage of voicemails alone.
Fortunately, several voicemail apps for Android devices can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, and we’ll be taking a look at some of the best. Endeavor to read this post to the end. It promises to be very insightful.
Table of Contents
Voicemail apps are software programs that allow voicemails to be viewed, managed, stored, and transcribed on computers, tablets, and smartphones.
Voicemail apps allow voicemails to be seen, saved, sent and replayed at any time. They also provide visual voicemail functionality. Voicemail apps are applications designed to replace or supplement traditional voicemail systems.Â
The following are some reasons you need voicemail apps:
1. Convenience
Voicemail apps offer a practical means of monitoring, organizing, and controlling voicemail messages. Voicemails are accessible to users at any time and from any device, providing them with convenient and rapid access to their messages.
2. Time Saving
You can avoid spending a lot of time manually sorting through mountains of voicemail messages by checking, saving, and organizing voicemails on an app.
3. Shareability
With just a single click, you can effortlessly share your voicemails with others or post them on social media sites. You can now easily share crucial papers or information without having to spend time manually transcribing them.
4. Security
Integrated security features in voicemail apps protect your privacy when exchanging private papers or sensitive data. Customers who appreciate data security and business owners alike can feel even more at ease as a result.
5. Easy Organization
You can categorize and classify your voicemails into critical, urgent, and general messages using the majority of voicemail programs. This removes the requirement for manual sorting and facilitates finding specific information quickly when needed.
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The following is a list of the best voicemail apps for Android devices. They include:
1. YouMail Voicemail Call Blocker
The first app on our list of best voicemail apps for Android is YouMail. YouMail is an app that offers a powerful call-blocking feature. Sending messages and voicemails is safer, quicker, and easier with the help of this app. It is a free app and has a simple user interface.
Furthermore, this app’s call-blocking feature offers several privacy-protecting features. With just a few taps, you can initially prevent all spam and robocall calls using this app. You can also use it to block any phone number. It also enables you to introduce yourself on calls with a custom greeting.
2. Voxist
Next on our list of best voicemail apps for Android is Voxist. Voxist is a free app that provides a plethora of engaging mailing options. The app’s visually appealing user interface is what will attract your attention right away. The app’s theme has a respectable contemporary appearance and it is also easy to use.
With just a click, you can view all of your voicemails on the screen. It makes reading mail simple and hassle-free. As soon as you receive a new voicemail, you will receive notifications on your phone and via email. Voxist also never deletes your voicemails automatically.
3. Google Voice
Any list of the best voicemail apps for Android without Google Voice is incomplete. Google Voice is an outstanding voicemail app for Android and it is free. Google Voice works on PCs, iPads, and smartphones.
One major benefit of using Google Voice is that it has a strong synchronization that allows you to use one account across multiple devices, and you can access your device from anywhere in the world. It was created specifically for the citizens of the United States and a few other nations where the workstation is located.
4. Vxt
Next on our list of best voicemail apps for Android is Vxt. It is an excellent voicemail app. You can quickly check who called and exactly what was said in each message by simply looking at your inbox.
It has a Smart Calling feature that lets you respond while the caller is still leaving a voicemail. You can also program intelligent voicemail greetings to suit the caller and the time of the day.Â
You can view your voicemails without having to unlock your phone. Your voicemails will be converted to text by Vxt, which will then show a preview on your lock screen. The most amazing thing is that Vxt is free.
5. Hi Voicemail
Hi Voicemail is one of the best voicemail apps for Android. This strong app is simply able to win over anyone’s heart with its stylish and minimalistic appearance. You can read any voicemail immediately and without any buffering with it.
The “Instant Reply” feature makes the app more convenient. All you have to do is tap to begin voicemail recording. Moreover, voicemails can be immediately forwarded to email making sending emails a hassle-free procedure.
6. InstaVoice
InstaVoice is one of the most popular voicemail apps for Android. It offers all the necessary visual voicemail features. With this app, you can get missed call notifications and free voicemail. You can also navigate this app’s sections easily because of its simple UI. You can also respond to voicemails instantly.
This app’s greatest feature is its ability to turn voicemails into text messages. You can also easily block any unsolicited voicemail senders and spammers, and you can erase thousands of messages with a few clicks.

7. VoMail
VoMail is a free visual voicemail app for Android. This implies that you can now record individualized video greetings for everyone who has missed one of your calls—especially your family members.
The software requests access to your Android contacts so it can determine which of them use VoMail. If the caller has the app, they can play your video directly from the app; if not, they will receive an SMS containing a link to download the video.
8. Ooma Home Phone
Although it’s not strictly a voicemail app, it’s a distinct app with a voicemail feature that is just as powerful as any other voicemail app. In essence, Ooma Home Phone is a phone service that enables message and call sending and receiving. But this app’s voicemail feature is by far its greatest feature.
You will receive your phone number as soon as you launch this software, after which you can use all of its features, including its potent VoIP tool. You get immediate notification of each voicemail and you can immediately respond to emails and it has a strict privacy policy.
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9. AT&T Visual Voicemail
This is one of the best voicemail apps for Android. If you have an AT&T smartphone you can easily check your voicemail using AT&T Visual Voicemail without having to call it.
Until you delete them, the voicemails you receive remain permanently stored in the cloud. Your messages can be played in any sequence. When you have time, you can then go back and review the transcriptions of your messages.
You can also use the app to make calls and your voicemails remain in the cloud if you store them there, even if you switch phones and it is completely free.
10. Hullomail Voicemail
Next on our list of the best voicemail apps for Android is Hullomail Voicemail. With this app’s easy-to-use capabilities, you can read, save, react, and record voicemails. There is nothing to confuse you with the simple user interface and creating and sending a voicemail to a specific contact merely requires a few taps.
With this app, you can just search and read the messages rather than feeling compelled to listen to them all. You can also label and save all of your critical voicemails in one location. You can even forward every unopened mail to a different recipient.
11. Libon
Libon is an application similar to Skype that lets you make unlimited free calls to Libon contacts and cheap calls to landlines and mobile phones.
Because it lets you communicate with contacts regardless of whether they have Libon loaded, it also operates as a stand-in for the SMS app on your phone. Libon is an excellent chat program with an elegantly designed user interface.
All messages are segregated in the messaging menu, and you have the option to unread them altogether. Type sorting is available for all messages. At first, the software was exclusive to iOS users, but as it became popular, an Android version was made and it costs $2.99 per month.
12. Phone by Google

Google is incredibly powerful, and that power is also evident in this new “Phone by Google” app. Its simple, basic design is intuitive and resembles Google’s Material Design.
Similar to Google Voice, it is a calling app with some restrictions. For example, not all of its capabilities are available outside of the US, UK, and Australia.
The software is equipped with a robust anti-spam feature. It filters incoming calls and prevents robocalls and spam. Its visual voicemail is one of its best features. You can listen to or read the transcriptions of all the voicemails that people send you and it is free.
13. Free Visual Voicemail
Free Visual Voicemail is the ideal choice if you’re searching for a small voicemail program. It is merely a few megabytes in size. This app’s ability to send messages over a long connection is its strongest feature. You can also arrange your voicemail in the order you choose with this program.
It is quite simple to use and accessible to anyone. With just one tap, you can respond to any message or callback as all of the necessary features are always at your fingertips. With a few clicks, you can easily archive your voicemails. And it has a recorder for greetings and you can program a voicemail to answer when someone calls.
14. Cisco Jabber

Cisco Jabber is a multifunction app for enhanced communication. Although voicemail management is not the primary function of this collaborative tool, it does support voicemail on your Android device, tablet, and phone.
It can translate your messages into text for easy viewing with the help of visual voicemail. This program allows you to make crystal-clear video and audio calls. Cisco Webex Meetings and Cisco Jabber are connected to provide multi-party conferences.
Cisco Jabber has more than one million downloads, making it one of the most popular applications for voicemail, instant messaging, presence, and cloud messaging. If your needs extend beyond simple voicemail software, Cisco Jabber is undoubtedly the right choice.
15. My Visual Voicemail

Without a doubt, My Visual Voicemail is one of the best voicemail apps for Android. You can record customized voicemail greetings with the app. The voicemail transcription feature of the application reads the messages aloud for you.Â
The voicemail app is user-friendly and enables you to check your inbox without leaving a message. You may get started by activating it for free.
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16. Cricket Visual Voicemail
Cricket Visual Voicemail is also one of the best voicemail apps for Android. It lets you manage your voicemail messages the way you want. Messages can be simply reviewed as an audio-only or in a grid format.
You can call back from Cricket Visual Voicemail by clicking on a message if it’s important. You can also compose a fresh text message response for every caller you get. You can also pause, stop, replay, and fast-forward through voicemails with this app.
Cricket Visual Voicemail does not use any system resources when it is not in use. It uses very little battery life, so you may leave it on all the time and it is free.
17. Line2 – Second Phone Number
Line2 – Second Phone Number is next on our list of the best voicemail apps for Android. This app lets you look professional. It is a great way to wow your clients with a polished voicemail and call experience. This app’s best feature is its distinct channels for personal and corporate discussions in one location.
You can also message or phone your clients without using any data. It is a trustworthy app that won’t ever store or sell your personal information.
It has a feature called “auto call attend” that directs customers to the appropriate channels, such as customer service or a designated service number. For the auto-attend feature, it allows you to add pre-recorded phone greetings and music to play while on hold.
18. Base Visual Voicemail
Base Visual Voicemail is one of the top-rated voicemail apps for Android. With a broad range of capabilities to see and manage your calls and voicemails with ease, this app was created to provide you with a superb voicemail-checking experience. To use this app, you would need to have a Wi-Fi or cellular network connection.
You can also reply to, distribute, or delete messages that you want with Base Visual Voicemail. It has options to pause, resume, stop, and forward emails while listening to voicemails. It can only be downloaded on Android versions 2.3 and higher.
19. Visual Voicemail Plus
This is a comprehensive transcription app that allows you to view accurate readings of your voicemails. However, keep in mind that the software is limited to carriers who support call forwarding, meaning that certain networks, mostly prepaid ones, will not be supported. On larger networks, however, like Verizon, AT&T, etc., this app ought to function flawlessly.
The ability to receive voicemail notifications even when your phone is off or not connected to the network is the best feature of this visual voicemail app. When used with the PhoneFusion ONE service, this functions excellently.
You can also use the app to personalize your voicemail responses by leaving a distinct greeting for each caller. This feature gives your voicemail messages a more personalized touch.
20. T-Mobile Visual Voicemail
Wrapping up our list of the best voicemail apps for Android is T-Mobile Visual Voicemail. It is an effective voicemail app suitable for many uses. It is one of the lightest voicemail apps and the easiest to use on the Play Store as its simple design guarantees a seamless and comfortable experience for all.
Additionally, it makes email management hassle-free. You can complete the task without checking your voicemail. You can even remove voicemails straight from the voicemail playing interface with this feature.
Voicemail apps have proven to be very useful, especially for people who still use voicemails. These apps are capable of simplifying the process of receiving and replying to voicemails.
The voicemail apps for Android mentioned in this post are the best. Download anyone and try for yourself. Do not hesitate to share your experiences with us in the comments section below.
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