How to Solve Macbook Pro Fan Noise: 7 Easy Solutions

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By Promise

All laptops have a fan inside them that keeps the system cool. While some systems make little noise on operation, the Macbook Pro was made to operate silently so if your Macbook starts to make noise from the fan, something is definitely wrong from somewhere that needs immediate attention.

Macs are renowned for their excellent efficiency and ability to handle high and intensive tasks quickly and easily. However, they also have their own flaws.

Many macOS users complain about the loud noise of the fan during operation, which not only halts their work but also threatens to render the system unusable.

If you’ve found yourself in this scenario and are asking why your Macbook Pro fan is so loud, this article will explain why the Macbook Pro creates so much noise and how to rapidly solve the Macbook Pro fan noise.

Why Does Mac’s Fan Make So Much Noise?

Running heavy activities like indexing the hard disk with Spotlight, playing intense Mac games, and editing HD video takes a toll on your Macbook Pro, thereby causing it to heat up.

When this happens, the Macbook Pro fan noise will definitely increase as it tries to spin faster in order to provide more ventilation and keep things cool. The fans tend to get louder throughout this procedure, resulting in excessive noise. This quick surge of air is quite normal and an important part of the cooling process.

If the fans kick in every now and then and start running at full speed even when you’re not doing anything intensive, there might be a problem. And this issue might be both software and hardware related.

Aside from that, there are a few more things to consider. For example, ambient temperature, dust accumulation, and obstructed airflow around the system. A new software upgrade can occasionally produce random troubles like these also.

So, if your Mac’s fans start to sound louder than usual, you should investigate the problem from multiple angles. In the next section, we will examine simple remedies for noisy fans in Macbook Pro.

Macbook Pro Fan Noise
How to Solve Macbook Pro Fan Noise

How to Solve Macbook Pro Fan Noise

There are several remedies for your Macbook Pro fan noise, so don’t panic when you have such issues. Here are a few first-aid treatments you should consider when your Macbook is making excessive noise;

1. Improve the Air Circulation

When your Macbook pro fan noise starts to get alarming, the first thing you should do to solve the problem is to make sure that nothing is restricting the airflow surrounding the chassis.

Apple devices have vents that allow fans to draw in cold air and evacuate hot air, thus when something gets in the way of the vents, the air circulation suffers, resulting in difficulties such as excessive fan noise and overheating.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you use your device on a soft surface, such as a couch, pillow, bed, or your lap, its fans may run more frequently. As a result, it is recommended that you use your device on a firm, flat surface, such as a table or desk, for optimal temperature control.

2. Make Sure the Vents are Clear

Dust and dirt take every opportunity to enter every port and vent. If you haven’t cleaned the vents in a while, dust and dirt can be getting in the way of proper airflow, causing the system to make noise. 

You can remove the bottom panel of your MacBook with a screwdriver and then try to blow away any dirt using compressed air. You can also use a soft lint-free cloth to clean the vent.

3. Free up Memory

As said earlier, running heavy-duty applications such as playing a graphics-heavy game, indexing the hard drive with Spotlight, or editing HD videos can consume your memory and cause your Macbook Pro fan noise to increase, especially when you run multiple applications in the background. 

Although force closing applications and clearing up memory may not appear to be a straightforward solution to your Mac’s noisy fans, it can play an essential part in minimizing excessive power use. And with reduced power use, your Mac is more likely to stay cool.

4. Reset the SMC of Your Mac

SMC refers to the System Management Controller. It controls many of the core functions of your Mac, such as battery management, lighting settings, power button response, and more. Resetting your SMC can help you resolve certain issues related to fans, power, and more.

Here’s how you reset your SMC;

For MacBooks with Non-Removable Battery

  • First, turn off your PC and unplug the power line.
  • Press the  Shift, Control, and Option (Alt) keys at once. While still holding these keys, press and hold the power button.
  • Hold down all these keys for 10 seconds and then release them. After that, press the power button to reboot your device.

For Macs with the Apple T2 Security Chip

  • Turn off your Mac 
  • Press and hold Control, Option (ALT), and Shift buttons for about 7 seconds.
  • Press the power button and hold all four keys for another 7 seconds (The Mac may turn on and off during the process).
  • Release the keys, wait a few seconds, and turn on your Mac.

5. Update your Mac

Outdated software can also cause your MacBook pro fan noise to increase, which is why it is always advised to keep your system updated. Your Mac is more likely to have difficulties such as battery waste, unexpected sluggishness, and even overheating if you use outdated software. If you haven’t updated the software on your device, the problem might be caused by outdated software. If you don’t know how to update your system, follow the steps below;

  • Click the Apple menu icon at the top left corner of your screen and choose System Preferences.
  • Now, download and install the latest version of macOS on your device.

6. Check the CPU Usage

When the CPU overheats during intense workloads, the fans engage to keep your MacBook cool, thereby causing your Macbook Pro fan noise to increase. However, if the fans activate even during normal usage or you have no clue what is causing them to run, you should examine your Mac’s CPU utilization. 

You can use Activity Monitor to see which applications are using the most CPU resources on your system and causing your MacBook Pro fan noise to increase. And once you get them, you can take the required actions to manage them. To access the Activity Monitor, follow these easy steps;

  • Simply, hold the CMD key and press the Space Bar to bring up the Spotlight. 
  • Search for Activity Monitor in the Spotlight and launch it.
  • Next, select the CPU tab and then check the apps that are at the top of the %CPU column. 
  • Once you see the apps with more consumption, you can either terminate those apps or use them less often.

7. Use Apple Diagnostics to Test Your Mac’s Fans

If your Mac has been exposed to heat for an extended period of time, its cooling systems may become faulty. Overheating can harm not just the fan but also your computer: if the thermals fail to cool the laptop, your Mac may shut down unexpectedly.

If your Mac has been overheating and you’re concerned about the fan, you can try running Apple Diagnostics. Apple Diagnostics (previously Apple Hardware Test) is capable of detecting any potential hardware faults as well as assisting you in testing your Mac’s fans. So, running a hardware test to see if there’s a problem with the fans is a great way to fix the unwanted noise.

To run Apple Diagnostics on your Mac, disconnect all external devices except the keyboard, speakers, mouse, and display then follow the steps below based on the Mac model you have. 

For a Mac with Apple Silicon

  • Start up your Mac.
  • Continue to press and hold the power button as your Mac turns on.
  • Release the power button when the startup options window appears.
  • Press Command-D to run the Diagnostics.
  • Apple Diagnostics will run automatically. When it is complete, it will present a list of the problems encountered.

For an Intel-based Mac

  • Start up your Mac and press and hold the D key while it turns on.
  • Release the key when the progress bar appears or when you’re asked to select a language.
  • Now, press Cmd + D to load Apple Diagnostics.

What to do if your Macbook pro fan Noise is still Loud

If your Mac is still overheating or the fans are still noisy after you’ve tried all of the solutions in this guide, it may have a more serious problem. This might be a software or hardware issue.

When it comes to faulty hardware, there isn’t much you can do except try to have it repaired. You can contact Apple Support or a professional repair service to get it serviced, and they will most likely be able to assist you.

What Will Happen if My Mac’s Fans Stop Working?

If your fans stopped working totally, your Mac will just continue to heat up causing more damage to your system and I t will eventually shut down to prevent permanently damaged components.

MY Verdict

The MacBook Pro fan noise is usually silent even during operation, but when it starts to get too loud, it’s a sign that something is wrong somewhere, either internally or externally.

We hope this post has walked you through some of the simplest solutions to resolve the MacBook Pro fan noise. If yours is still noisy after trying a couple of our remedies, you should definitely get it professionally serviced at an Apple Service Center.

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