Raji Ridwan

best fun games for brain

12 Fun Best Games for Brain

Games are primarily for entertainment, but it won’t hurt to gain some unintended benefits from the time-consuming activity. One potential advantage of gaming is to train your brain. Playing games to improve cognitive function isn’t a rare phenomenon, as there’s an entire category of brain games dedicated to training players’ cognitive abilities. Instead of wasting…

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best games on roblox

15 Best Games on Roblox

Roblox is a popular game creation platform for kids, but the number of sophisticated titles that sprung up from it over the years attracted the attention of many adults too. The platform offers something unique; a sense of community you won’t get from anything else on the market. One of the platform’s appeals is also…

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9 World Best Games for Laptop

11 World Best Games for Laptop

The sleek form factor of a laptop works for many things, but playing games is certainly not one of them. Granted, you can get a crazy expensive high-spec gaming laptop that runs most of your favorite Steam games. However, it will struggle to keep up with the average gaming desktop in demanding games, and that’s…

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