3D Printed Guns: Are they Real?

3d printed guns

The advancement of technology has given birth to a new era of possibilities. The concept of 3D printing has revolutionized the manufacturing industry. 

The ability to create three-dimensional objects using a digital blueprint is a fascinating idea that has transformed various fields, including medicine, engineering, and architecture. 

However, 3D printing has also led to concerns regarding its potential misuse, such as the production of 3D-printed guns. In this article, we will delve into the world of 3D-printed guns and explore whether they are real.

What are 3D printed Guns?

3d printed guns
Image source: 3D Printing Media Network

3D-printed guns are firearms that are created using 3D printing technology. Unlike traditional guns, 3D-printed guns are not made of metal but are constructed using plastic materials. 

The manufacturing process of a 3D-printed gun involves using computer-aided design (CAD) software to create a blueprint of the gun. This blueprint is then loaded into a 3D printer, which uses a plastic material to create the gun layer by layer. The final product is a functioning gun made entirely of plastic.

The Legality of 3D-printed Guns

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3D-printed guns placed on a table. Image source: VICE

The legality of 3D-printed guns is a controversial issue. In the United States, the Second Amendment guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. However, the manufacture, sale, and possession of firearms are heavily regulated. The production of a gun requires a license, and the gun must adhere to specific standards and regulations set by the government. 

The production of a 3D-printed gun, on the other hand, does not require a license and is not subject to any regulations. This lack of regulation raises concerns about the potential misuse of 3D-printed guns.

In 2013, the U.S. State Department ordered the removal of 3D printed gun blueprints from the internet, citing national security concerns. However, the blueprints were already available online and could be downloaded and printed by anyone with a 3D printer. 

In 2018, a federal judge ruled that the ban on 3D printed gun blueprints was unconstitutional and allowed the distribution of the blueprints to continue. This decision was met with opposition from gun control advocates, who argue that 3D-printed guns pose a significant threat to public safety.

The Effectiveness of 3D-printed Guns

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Parts of 3D printed guns. Image source: The Sun

The effectiveness of 3D-printed guns is another topic of debate. Traditional guns are made of metal and are designed to withstand high pressures and temperatures. 

3D-printed guns, on the other hand, are made of plastic and may not be able to handle the same pressures and temperatures as traditional guns. The plastic used in 3D printing may also be prone to cracking or breaking under stress, which could lead to malfunctions or accidents.

In 2013, a Texas-based company called Defense Distributed created the first 3D-printed gun, called the Liberator. The Liberator was made entirely of plastic and could be printed using a 3D printer. The gun was able to fire a single bullet before needing to be reloaded. 

However, the gun was not very accurate, and the plastic barrel could not withstand the heat and pressure generated by firing multiple rounds. The Liberator was also easily detected by metal detectors, which made it ineffective for use in covert operations.

In 2018, a new 3D-printed gun called the Songbird was introduced. The Songbird was designed to be more durable than the Liberator and could fire multiple rounds without malfunctioning. 

The gun was made using a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer, which made it more resistant to heat and pressure. However, the Songbird was still made of plastic and was not as effective as traditional guns.

The Risks of 3D-Printed Guns

The risks associated with 3D-printed guns are numerous. One of the primary risks of 3D-printed guns is the potential for them to fall into the wrong hands. 

Since 3D-printed guns can be made without a license or background checks, they can be easily acquired by individuals who are not legally permitted to own firearms. This poses a significant threat to public safety, as these individuals may use guns to commit crimes or harm others.

Another risk associated with 3D-printed guns is their lack of traceability. Traditional guns have serial numbers that can be used to track their origins and ownership. However, 3D-printed guns do not have serial numbers, which makes it difficult for law enforcement to trace them back to their owner or manufacturer. This lack of traceability can hinder investigations and make it easier for individuals to evade justice.

3D-printed guns also present a risk to the user. The plastic used in 3D printing may not be able to handle the pressures and temperatures generated by firing a gun. 

This can result in malfunctions or accidents that can cause serious injuries to the user. Additionally, 3D-printed guns may not be as accurate or reliable as traditional guns, which can also pose a risk to the user.

In addition to the risks and concerns associated with 3D-printed guns, there are several other factors to consider when discussing this technology. Here are some additional points to consider:

The issue of 3D-printed guns has sparked a debate about the legality of producing and owning such firearms. In many countries, including the United States, regulations surrounding 3D-printed guns are still evolving, which can make it difficult to enforce laws and regulations. 

Some argue that 3D-printed guns should be subject to the same regulations as traditional firearms, while others argue that this would infringe upon the rights of individuals to produce and own their own firearms.

2. Potential benefits

While there are certainly concerns about 3D-printed guns, there are also potential benefits to this technology. For example, 3D printing can be used to create custom firearm parts, which can improve accuracy and performance. 

Additionally, 3D printing can be used to produce firearms in remote or impoverished areas where traditional manufacturing methods may not be available. In some cases, 3D printing may also be used to produce firearms for legitimate purposes, such as research and development.

3. Technological advancements

As 3D printing technology continues to advance, it is possible that 3D printed guns may become more advanced and effective. 

For example, researchers have already demonstrated the ability to produce metal parts using 3D printing, which could potentially be used to produce more powerful firearms. 

Additionally, advancements in 3D scanning technology may make it easier for individuals to produce accurate, functional firearms using 3D printing.

4. International implications

The issue of 3D-printed guns is not just a domestic concern, as these weapons can be produced and distributed globally. This means that regulations and laws governing the production and distribution of 3D-printed guns may need to be coordinated internationally to effectively address the issue.

Overall, the issue of 3D-printed guns is complex and multifaceted, with numerous legal, ethical, and technological considerations. While there are certainly concerns about the potential risks and dangers associated with this technology, there are also potential benefits that should not be overlooked. 

As technology continues to evolve and the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding 3D-printed guns evolves, it will be important to continue monitoring and addressing this issue to ensure the safety and security of individuals and communities around the world.

SelfCAD is a specific 3D printer CAD software software that aims to make the CAD design process more accessible to users with varying levels of expertise. It is known for its user-friendly interface and an all-in-one solution that includes modeling, sculpting, drawing, and 3D printing preparation. 

SelfCAD is tailored for both beginners and experienced designers, offering tutorials and guides to help users get started and improve their skills. It has become popular as an online CAD platform that runs directly in the web browser, eliminating the need for complex installations and hardware requirements.


3D-printed guns are a real threat to public safety and national security. While they may not be as effective as traditional guns, they still pose a risk to the user and can be easily acquired by individuals who are not legally permitted to own firearms. 

The lack of regulations and oversight also makes it difficult to track these guns and hold those responsible for their production and distribution accountable. 

It is essential that steps are taken to address this issue and ensure that 3D-printed guns are not used to harm others. This may involve implementing new regulations or laws to govern the production and distribution of 3D-printed guns or investing in technology to detect and prevent the use of these guns in criminal activities. 

Only by taking a proactive approach can we ensure that 3D printing technology is used for the betterment of society rather than as a tool for harm.

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